Proceq Pundit Lab+ UPV Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Proceq UPV Pundit Lab (+)
A flexible UPV test instrument designed for laboratory operations
- Specifically designed for laboratory usage
- Can be integrated into 3rd party software e.g. LabView
- Removes the need for external amplification when used with exponential transducers
Tes UPV Proceq Pundit Lab+ dapat digunakan Untuk :
- Mengetahui keseragaman kualitas beton
- mengetahui kualitas struktur beton setealh umur beberpa tahun
- mengetahui kekuatan tekanan beton
Applications Proceq Pundit LAB (+):
Correlation of compressive strength of concrete and rocks / Correlation to modulus of elasticity of rocks / Mapping homogeneity of concrete / Concrete strength estimation using the SONREB methodSpecsification Ultrasonic Pilse Velocity UPV Proceq Pundit Lab+
#UPV #poceq #pundi #lab+ #ultrasonicpulsevelocity